Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic medicinal system with origins dating back over 2,500 years when the first texts were written. TCM consists of five therapeutic methods of treatment; acupuncture, tuina, herbal, dietetic, and Qi Gong (medicinal movement/breathing)
In TCM the person is regarded as an integrated whole. Every part contributes in some important way to the maintenance of the whole, and is in turn dependant on the whole. As opposed to a “Western” approach of symptomatic treatment, a disorder that is diagnosed according to the principles of TCM is viewed in the context of the individual by taking factors such as age, constitution, lifestyle and character into consideration.
A person is healthy not only when in balance within but also with the environment around him. When part of his energy becomes too strong or too deficient, this can lead to imbalance and over time to disease. The aim of TCM is to maintain or restore the balance and harmony within a person and between a person and his environment. Its treatment methods can be implemented not only for acute and chronic disorders but also as a preventative therapy.
I offer the following methods which are recognized by all health insurances with an alternative medicine supplementary insurance.

Acupuncture uses the insertion of fine needles into specific points to maintain and promote the efficient function of the body. A therapist selects from over 360 acupuncture points to create an optimal individualized treatment.
Modern research has discovered that acupuncture stimulates secretion of endorphines (pain-relieving chemicals), balances the autonomic nervous system, and affects the circulatory system.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes almost 100 conditions that acupuncture has been shown to treat effectively. Some of the more well-known examples are listed here:
Problems of the Motoric System
ischialgien (lumbago)
chronic backpain
discus hernia
tennis elbow (epicondylitis)
stiff neck/neck pain
Problems of the Digestive Tract
ibs irritable bowel syndrome
acid indigestion/reflux
acute/chronic gastritis
Problems of the Respiratory System
Stress Syndrome
chronic fatigue syndrome
migraine (headaches)
hypertonie (high blood pressure)
Gynacological Problems
dysmenorrhoe (painful menstruation)
amenorrhoe (absence of menstruation)
PMS syndrome
morning sickness
fertility issues
Miscellaneous Problems
Alleviates side-effects of chemotherapy/radiotherapy

Tuina/Acupressure Therapy
Tuina-massage is one of the oldest therapy forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Literally, the terms Tui and Na mean “Pushing” and “Holding,” two of the approximately 30 manual techniques used.
Tuina is perhaps best known in the western world for its affect on the body’s motor system. Tuina therapy improves the nutrition and metabolism of muscle, releases spasm, strengthens contraction of ligaments, reduces inflammation and swelling and improves tissue repair.
Tuina can increase blood circulation, invigorate lymphatic flow and exerts a regulative function on the immune system. It is used to promote blood circulation in the abdominal cavity thereby strengthening digestion and absorption. It exerts influence on the organs by way of direct stimulation and manipulation on the surface of the body, or by stimulation of the energy meridians, which relate with each of the organs.
Tuina therapy can replenish a body’s self-energy and unblock obstruction, so as to return distribution of energy to the balanced state and restore normal regularity of circulation.

A cupping jar or cup is a small bottle with a smooth and rounded mouth used to create a partial vacuum over the skin. This causes the blood to circulate and pulls it towards the surface of the body. Cups come in a wide variety of sizes and materials. The ones most commonly used are made of glass, plastic or bamboo. Jiao Fa is the ancient term used to describe cupping jars, indicating that the early types were made of animal horns.
Cupping can be used in the treatment of pain, especially of the back and lumbar region. It is also used to treat colds, flu, upper respiratory tract infection and gastric pain. Cupping is often used in conjunction with an acupuncture or tuina treatment.

The Chinese word for moxa is Jiu, which means burning. Moxibustion is used to stimulate the acupuncture points by the combustion of the herb mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, in order to regulate the physiological activity of the body.
The use of moxa sticks, also known as moxa rolls or cigars, began during the Ming dynasty.
Through its heating action moxibustion can re-establish a fluid circulation of blood, relaxing the muscles and tendons and strengthening the functional activity of the digestive tract. It can be used to treat abdominal pain, gastrointestinal problems, swellings, pain arising from stagnation, dysmenorrhoe and prolapse.
Moxibustion is also widely used to correct malposition of the fetus.
Moxibustion is often used in conjunction with an acupuncture or tuina treatment.

Foot Reflexology
Historically, the use of reflexology dates back to ancient China, Egypt and Greece. In China foot reflexology dates back to the 4th century B.C. when it was practiced in conjuncton with acupuncture by a doctor named Wang Wei, but it’s most flourishing period was in the Tang Dynasty (618-907A.D.) This ancient healing art is based on the premise that the feet contain reflex points/areas that correspond with the organs, glands and body parts of the entire body. By precise pressure and manipulation of these areas vital functions can be stimulated, toxins eliminated, blood circulation improved and nerves soothed. Foot reflexology has become one of the most popular western remedies for stress-relief.
I offer the following additional methods which are not covered by health insurance:
- Dietary Consultancy according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (5 Element Theory)
- Medicinal Herbal Consultancy (with Western herbs according to TCM diagnostic)
- Stress Management Consultancy for Managers